Welcome, Visitors

“The Scripture Cannot Be Broken” John 10:35

Our congregation, Holy Scripture Ev. Lutheran Church of Windcrest, TX confesses to be a confessional, orthodox Lutheran Church. Since 2004, Holy Scripture Ev. Lutheran Church has been independent, but earnestly seeks to find an orthodox fellowship and thereby be able also to provide shepherds for the future of the flock. May God grant it.

What it means to be a confessional, orthodox Lutheran Church

As a confessional, orthodox Lutheran church, we adhere to the following confessional standard:

  1. The Bible, the Holy Scriptures, the fully inspired, inerrant Word of God and the sole authority (norma normans) in the Church
  2. The three ecumenical creeds:
    1. The Apostles’ Creed
    2. The Nicene Creed
    3. The Athanasian Creed
  3. The Confessions of the historic evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation as contained in the Book of Concord:
    1. The Unaltered Augsburg Confession
    2. The Apology of the Augsburg Confession
    3. Luther’s Small & Large Catechisms
    4. The Smalcald Articles, including The Power & Primacy of the Pope
    5. The Formula of Concord, both the Epitome and the Solid Declaration
  4. The Brief Statement of 1932

Note: We hold the Confessions to be a faithful testimony and witness of the doctrines of Scripture and therefore do not interpret Scripture, but give a true witness of its doctrines. Scripture interprets Scripture.

Join us for service this Sunday in Windcrest, Texas. If you are local, please see our directions below. You can also watch a live service at 9:30 a.m. CT.

Sundays at 9:30 a.m. CT